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Mission Statement

At Rosemount Area Youth Hockey, our mission is to inspire and develop young athletes through the sport of hockey. We are committed to providing a supportive and inclusive environment where players can learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline and perseverance. Through quality coaching and mentorship, we aim to instill a passion for the game while promoting sportsmanship, respect and personal growth. Our goal is to foster a community of dedicated athletes who embody the values of hard work, integrity and dedication both on and off the ice.

RAHA Philosophy

RAHA has adopted the same principles as USA Hockey and MN Hockey for planning, programming, and play which include the following:

  • The pursuit of excellence at the individual, team and organizational levels: Each member of the organization, whether player, volunteer or staff, should seek to perform each aspect of the game to the highest level of his or her ability.
  • Sportsmanship: Foremost of all values is to learn a sense of fair play, become humble in victory, and gracious in defeat. We will foster friendship with teammates and opponents alike.
  • Respect for the individual: Treat all others as you expect to be treated.
  • Integrity: We seek to foster honesty and fair play beyond the mere strict interpretation of the rules and regulations of the game.
  • Enjoyment: It is important for the hockey experience to be fun, satisfying and rewarding for all participants.
  • Loyalty: We aspire to teach loyalty to the ideals and fellow members of the sport of hockey.
  • Teamwork: We value the strength of learning to work together. The use of teamwork is reinforced and rewarded by success in the hockey experience.

RAHA Organization

Membership in the Rosemount Area Hockey Association is part of hockey registration. Membership entitles each family to one vote per skater in elections.

The RAHA Board of Directors consists of 16 members that govern the association. Each member serves a term of 2 years. Elections are held every Spring, new board positions are available every year. Meetings typically occur on the second Wednesday evening of each month at RCC, and attendance is required. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and all RAHA members are welcome to attend. If you are interested in obtaining time on the agenda, contact the RAHA President a minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting. 

RAHA is a member of District Eight of Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey, and it adheres to District Eight, Minnesota Hockey and USA Hockey rules on rink features, teams, equipment, penalties, officials, and playing rules.

The goal of the RAHA Board of Directors is to provide the best program at the most reasonable cost to its participants. RAHA is a non-profit organization, and all monies received come from the members and donors through registration, team fees, sponsorships, fundraisers and charitable gambling.

RAHA Programs

RAHA offers hockey programs for girls and boys between the ages of 4 – 17.  Below Age 9, players will participate in the IP Programs (Termites/U6/U8/Mini-mite/Mite).  These programs are designed to teach and develop the basic skating and passing skills required to play the game of hockey.  An emphasis is placed on development of hockey skills rather than playing competitive games.

Travel Team hockey starts at approximately age 9.  Girls travel teams include U10/U12/U15.  Boys travel teams include Squirt/Peewee/Bantam/Jr Gold.  Travel Hockey requires a greater commitment and adds competitive hockey games to the skill development.

Contact Us

RAHA Board of Directors

Rosemount Area Hockey Association
P.O. Box 225
Rosemount, MN 55068

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