There are eight director positions up for election. Vote for up to 8 Directors, a minimum of 1 Director.
Please also reach out to Bryan Feldhaus ( with questions concerning the election process.
Disclaimer: To inform RAHA membership about candidates for the RAHA Board of Directors, this application will be posted on the RAHA website and communicated to RAHA membership.
This is a working board. The success of RAHA is incumbent on Board members committing to attending board meetings, serving on committees and doing work outside of board meetings. Board members are required to serve on and actively participate on multiple committees, in addition to their position on the board. Board members are required to attend 20 of the 24 regular monthly meetings during your two-year term as well as attend the tryout meetings in October, any special board meetings called and regularly attend assigned committee meetings. The anticipated time commitment is approximately 15-25 hour per month. In addition, board members will be required to use MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint in their positions and be able to use email. And have fun!
Board meetings are the second Wednesday of each month and board members are required to attend 20 of the 24 monthly meetings during your two-year term, including the tryout meetings in October, as well as regularly attend assigned committee meetings.