Children's Privacy
To assist in maintaining the privacy of our families, we will only print generic pictures which will not be identified to a team or an event. We do intend to publish stories about the teams similar to those in the newsletter. If you DO NOT wish for your skaters name to be used in RAHA publications, please contact the Board of Directors with your request. By authorizing the use of your child's name, you are agreeing to waive any claims against the RAHA, any board member, or member of the RAHA.
Email Addresses
We will keep all email information confidential. RAHA will never rent or sell your email address to anyone.
Although we currently have no plans to send sponsor advertisements with the email notification, we reserve the right to do so at a future time. If we choose to send advertisements, we will do it in the message and never release your email address to the sponsor.
We use cookies to simplify your experience at our site. We will not use cookies to collect information on your web surfing habits.
RAHA follows Minnesota Hockey and District 8 hockey participation rules. Members in good standing are to participate on teams from their local association based on the residence of their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
School attendance waivers will be granted to any player who wishes to participate in the association whose boundaries incorporate the school in which the player is enrolled and is attending. However, if a player attends their normally-assigned public school, and that school normally includes students from more than one youth hockey association, the player shall be assigned to their Association of Residence and is not eligible for a school attendance waiver.
Waivers for non-school attendance will be considered only under extenuating circumstance such as to play on a co-op team, to fill teams between associations, to address a goalie surplus/need, etc. A non-school attendance waiver will also be considered for a player that was impacted by the 2009-2010 Minnesota Hockey “Participation Rule” change. In this situation, a waiver will be granted to a player that played with an association based on the boundaries of their school location, has continued to play with that association since the 2009-2010 season, and is requesting to be waived to that association.
All non-school attendance waiver requests will be reviewed by the RAHA officers before a waiver is granted or denied.
Refer to the Minnesota Hockey Handbook and District 8 Rulebook for the complete and current Participation Policy.