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Jr. Gold Tryouts

All Players Must Be Registered To Tryout

If your Jr. Gold player is NOT trying out for the high school program, please complete RAHA’s registration as you normally would and disregard this message.

Jr. Gold tryouts don’t occur until after the high school team is formed. However, for RAHA to properly plan the 2024-25 season, Jr. Gold registration will open and close with the other traveling levels. This means that we will not be accepting Jr. Gold registrations after the high school tryouts have ended. NO EXCEPTIONS.

If your child plans on trying out for high school but intends to play Jr. Gold if he doesn’t make the high school team, please complete this form. The purpose of this form is to provide a way for families to complete the Jr. Gold registration without purchasing the $70 USA Hockey player membership at this time. After submitting this form, you will receive an email with a code to use in lieu of entering a valid USA Hockey number during RAHA registration.

  • If your Jr. Gold player does not make the high school team, he will not be allowed to tryout without providing a valid USA Hockey number.
  • If your Jr. Gold player makes the high school team, your Registration and Tryout fee will be fully refunded within 7-10 business days.

Junior Gold Parent Meeting: November 11th (RCC)

7:30 - 8:00 PM | DIBs Check Drop-off & Tryout Jersey Pickup | Outside RCC Banquet Hall

8:00 - 9:00 PM | Parent Meeting | RCC Banquet Hall