Sell Gertens Poinsettias, Wreaths, Door Hangers, Centerpieces and Hanging Baskets and earn 25% of your sales to use towards your ice bills.
Sell plant cards and earn 12% of your sales to use towards your ice bills.
All orders must be placed online through the RAHA personal Gertens store. No order sheet and check collection again this year, it is all online.
Make sure the buyer puts your name in the SELLER'S NAME box so you get the credit.
Fundraiser opens September 22nd.
Fundraiser closes October 24th @ 10PM.
After the fundraiser closes each family will get an email report listing all of the sales made under the SKATER'S name that items were purchased under.
As in past years some items sell out so get your orders in early!
Please mark your calendars now as you are responsible to pick up your orders on November 22, 2024 at RCC. All items must be picked up on November 22.
No items will be shipped. Make sure you are selling locally only. You will be delivering the items to each person that ordered from you.