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PDA Room Reservations

IN-SEASON PDA Room Reservations

Team Coaches/Managers - Once you have verified that your the PDA Room time slot is open on the calendar below, you should create the event on your Team Calendar and tag the event with your TEAM TAG and the PDA ROOM tag.  If you set it up correctly, the event will show up on your team calendar as well as the calendar below.

Please label your events with your team name in the Event Title like....

"PDA Room - Squirt C Green"

"PDA Room - Peewee A"


If you want to use the RAHA Conference Room (PDA Room) in the OFF-SEASON (March 15 - September 15), please contact Recreation Facilities Manager Jon Balvance ( or building staff at 651-485-2458 to ensure the Ice Arena is open.

If the Ice Arena is closed then the RAHA Conference Room (PDA Room) is not available. 

If you aren't able to add your event to this calendar, Contact Nancy Lipke 
( to request that you be added to the page permissions group for editing this page.