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Concessions Managers

All concessions-related messages should be sent to Concession Managers.

Trish Caspar


Phone: 612.940.8989

Kathy Grenier


Phone: 507.456.2940

DIBS Coordinator

Luke A Jacobsen

Dibs Coordinator

Phone: 651.329.0738

2024 - 2025 Volunteer Hours Overview

  • REQUIRED HOURS: 7.5 hours per skater not to exceed 15 hours per family for all levels except: Junior Gold (3.5 hours required), and Termites (5 hours required).
  • To view and claim DIBS, you must be logged in with the account that was used to register your skater. (See below instructions on adding a 2nd parent or guardian to the registering account)
  • Check back often as people cancel their claimed shifts, and additional shifts are posted
  • If you do not complete your volunteer commitment for the 2024-2025 season, you will forfeit your volunteer deposit check ($750 1 skater/$1,000 for 2 or more skaters)
  • If RAHA cancels a Concession session with more than 24 hours notice, DIBs will not be credited.

  • Traveling level teams
    • Coaching Staff - 30 hours to split (if dropped from roster due to incomplete credentials, DIBs will NOT be credited)
    • Team Managers - 15 hours to split (if incomplete credentials by 12/1 deadline, DIBs will NOT be credited)
  • IP level teams
    • Coaching Staff - 45 hours to split (if dropped from roster due to incomplete credentials, DIBs will NOT be credited)
    • Team Managers - 7.5 hours to split (if incomplete credentials by 12/1 deadline, DIBs will NOT be credited)