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Policy and Procedures

The RAHA’s Board of Directors intent is to guide this organization toward the successful completion of the goal of making hockey a meaningful, enjoyable, and learning experience for all our players. In the process of doing this, it is realistic to assume that because of the nature of what we are doing and the number of people we are working with, some conflicts will arise, and infractions may occur. The board wants to address each of these and arrive at an acceptable conclusion in the most efficient and effective way possible. The first and most important step in conflict resolution is at the team level. The manager of each team is the primary contact person, and the board urges all members to make every effort to resolve conflicts through positive communications with the team manager, coach and SafeSport Coordinator, if necessary, after a 24-hour waiting period. In the case of a reported violation of RAHA or USA Hockey policy, reports may be submitted in writing to the VicePresident as provided below, instead of a team manager or coach.

If resolution is not possible at the team level, the next step in the grievance or violation process is to submit to the board in writing a detailed description of the conflict or violation. The grievance form you will find here.