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Managers Info

1 - Register for your Free USA Hockey #

All Managers need to register for a USA Hockey #.  This is free and you should print out your confirmation email and add it into your manager binder.

2 - Complete Background Screening (if expired)

Once you complete the screening process, you should receive a confirmation email that you have PASSED.  Please print out the confirmation and add it to your managers binder.

3 - USA Hockey - Safe Sport Training Module

All Managers and Coaches are required to do the USA Hockey Safe Sport Training Module.  Total time is around 90 minutes and will need to be completed before your team can be rostered.  Once you complete the module, you need to take the 20 minute refresher every year.

4 - Complete RAHA Manager Registration Form

Before getting access to edit your team's page, all managers must first register for the team you manage. DIBs will not be credited without completing registration.

The Registration "Managers Info" is not currently available.

Locker Room Monitors

All Locker Room Monitors must register with RAHA and meet the USA Hockey requirements.

The Registration "Managers Info" is not currently available.

2024-25 Managers Meetings

BTM - PW - 15U - 12U






Mike Cline

Team Manager Coordinator

Phone: 651-276-2516

Lauren Anderson


Phone: 612-750-9737

Chris Kalata

Ice Scheduler

Phone: 651.276.0351

Bryan Feldhaus

Game Sheets Coordinator

Phone: 651-269-8985

Doug Ebner


Phone: 612.581.7836

Nancy Lipke

Communications/Website/Social Media

Phone: 651.233.7189